Tuesday, August 24, 2004

La musique: 463- Buck 65

A punch, a kick, and I can't think of a better way to end the day.

Due to my lack of regular internet access, entries in this blog may be a bit more sparse than usual. Feel free to weep on your keyboards.

I've decided to get a minor in Environmental studies.
- I've always been interested in it. My plan was to major in it at MUN back when I was smart.
- There's a hell of a lot more ES courses availiable than Sociology courses (0) this semester.
-Apparantly I already have some courses that are good towards said minor.
-The above reasoning is better than the reasoning I had for a minor in Asian studies. That being
a) I may someday teach in Asia.
b) I'm asian.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

La musique: Bloodletting- The Haunted

You mean he didn't marry Winnie?

Ever wonder if anti-itch lotions are just placebos? I find that my bug bites don't itch unless I scratch them, or if they brush up against clothing. If I ignore them for a bit (though difficult it may be) I usually forget about them and they don't bother me. So asuming I'm not alone in the population with this trait, these lotions may be just regular skin creme.
Picture this: You're itchin', you're scratching, then you realize: "Hey I have some after-bite in my medicine cabinet." You apply the product, and shazaam and abracadabra, the itch is gone.
Now is that really because of the effectiveness of the product, or did the fact that you applied the product just allow your brain to forget it just long enough for the itch to subside?
It's a shame I'm not in grade 8, cause that'd make a mean science project.

I haven't decided if I'm going to show up for my Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday shifts yet. Maybe some but not others. My original plan was to leave my headseat and swipe card after tonight's shift with a note saying "I won't be back". However, another girl quit on the program I want to get on to, making my chances even better. If I stay this the end of the week, it'll give me enough time to finish my resume and and also show the other supervisor I'm not a complete cock. Being pals with two of the people on said program will hopefully help too ;D

That being said, I'm at work now, and drinking. I have a big plastic coffee mug and I'm drinking beer out of it. I've had 3 already. I've also done a decent job of correcting my typos, but I'm not making any guarantees for the future.
I'm actually going to get some more beer now. I'll be sure to add to this post as the night (and intoxication) continues. (2:30 am).

2:50 am- watching (rather listening) to F&L in Las Vegas, playing online Yahtzee, and on my fourth beer. Geting paid $11.50 an hour. This is the job I am quiting. Backshifts are different. I'd be content working backshifts the rest of my life if I could. Getting increasingly fucked.
This is a very onminous assignment with overtones of extreme personal danger.

4:40 am- just came back from MCdonald's with Eagan. Am considerably drunk. 33gggg9 FUCK!
games.com is undergoinhg maintenence. Ican't play Yahtzee anymore. FUCKING JEZZBALL IT IS. I ish I was doing mY master thesis on Barbara Streisand.

I must reek2 ofn beer now . I've been spilling it all over myself all night. Crude plastic recepticles are difficault eo drink out of with making a mess. I'm pretty sure my backseat is a mess of broken glass, spilled beer, and student loan papers. Goofd fucking night. (I still have 3 hrs left).

Friday, August 13, 2004

La musique: All lifestyles- Beastie Boys

I wonder what it's be like to consume only water for ten days. Did John Frusciante actually do that? I bet it's some sort of Buddhist cleansing thing. That'd be some mad hallucinations.
Anyone wanna try?
Bets, anyone?

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

La musique: bulls on parade- Rage against the machine

I just realized that the last like five entries all have music entries whose band names start with "the".
Let me assure you this was completely unintentional and will never happen again.

So I quit my job.
The collective bullshit I've put up with over the past year has just become more than I wanted to deal with. Defending principles I knew were complete rubbish, getting told off by people who can barely speak english, and then learning that I wouldn't be able to attend our yearly staff party because..... surprize! I work Backshifts! Fuck that noise.
In fact just now I hung up on some old lady who had nothing fucking better to do in her life than call me to explain how to properly send back the plethora of sweepstakes garbage we send.
I am tempted to behave as I may be able to transfer to a vastly superior program with no headsets, no daily mail to do, and NO GETTING SCREAMED AT!
However, I may just throw good behavior out the window and tear out of this cess pool in a blaze of "fuck you"s.

Friday, August 06, 2004

La musique: The killers- Somebody told me

That ol' internet thing finally is good for something besides meeting people to kill and eat you.

What are you gonna be?

Monday, August 02, 2004

La musique: Fit but you know it- The Streets

So my cousin got married on Saturday, I managed to tip-toe around my father, and drink an excessive amount of red wine. It was really great because I don't see that side of the family that much due to my whole not talking to my dad. Aparantly I was missed.
I don't even like red wine.
That evening was the much hyped toga party. My emergency blanket/duct tape toga was well recieved, and the drinking continued. I went swimming, Smoked up, and walked on fire. The last of which aparantly had something to do with why Shannon broke up with me.
My tent collapsed, after 10 minutes, I got out, drug it (With everything still in it) to my car, shoved it in the back, and drove home.
I arrived at 6am.
The next day I hung out with my other side of the family and made best buds with my 4 year old cousin from Halifax. Aparantly we have similar mentalities.