Saturday, December 27, 2003

La musique: Losing friends- Death from above

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm an idiot. Moving on...

I hate not seeing people. I don't know how to feel right now. I don't know what to post. I do know my head is full of a melange of thoughts I cannot explain. There are so many things I wish would just HAPPEN. I'm too impatient, sick of sitting around waiting for shit to happen. CARPE FUCKING DIEM. New year's is the perfect excuse for me to shake my shit up.
To do in '04:
1) Get a car (this is already half done)
2) Get a gym membership AND USE IT. Be healthy, eat better, don't be such a useless sack of shit.
3) Pick up a bass, get lessons with it and on drums too. Rock some socks off.
4) Never stop learning. Music, books, people. Take it all in.
5) Say what I feel.
6) Become part of something, a movement, an organization. Something with meaning. Something I can identify with and be passionate about.
7) Get off of fucking PEI.



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