Thursday, May 04, 2006

I hate money. I hate what it does to people. I hate how it makes me worry constantly. I hate how it makes people "better", I hate how it makes people "worse". I hate how it buys advantages from some that others will never see. Living in this city has opened my eyes to the dichotomy of wealth in modern society. The haves and the have-nots. You see Porshes, hummers, and $20,000 bottles of wine. You also see people sleeping under bridges, begging for their next meal, or pushing all their belongings around in a shopping cart. I was sitting and waiting for the bus on a cold Calgary intersection, watching the pricey cars go by in front of me, watching people wine and dine at their expensive lounge behind me. I wanted to put my fist through the window and bleed on their hors d'euvres, I wanted to hijack an audi and push it off a bridge. I wanted to let all these people know that their decadence comes at a price of the proletariat, and that we are dying, and our blood is on their hands.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree'd. though hypocritally, i did just take a job that pays better, but i'm not using my money for porches, it's for debt and for $7 bottles of wine :)


10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i also hate josh towers.

5:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying but I would also like to point out the expensive watch you own and the cell phone, which you no longer have, but you did purchase a phone with extra features. So even though you don’t drive an expensive car and eat at fancy dinners you still buy extravagant things within your budget, as do I—so who are we to remark on this when we are guilty of it too?

11:56 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

I realize it is hypocritical of me to critique the strata of wealth when I have so much more than a lot of people. Your point is well taken and I really don't have a valid counterpoint. That said, the difference between the rich and the poor here (and in thw world in general) is still rather alarming, and I personally see a big difference between me working my butt off for (approx.) $10,000 a year and having a few nice things, and a guy who spends $500,000 on a sports car.
Thanks for your constructive crticism though, I appreciate it.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Martha-Anne said...

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9:33 AM  
Blogger Martha-Anne said...

Great post. I agree. Money, or lack thereof, does terrible things to a person.

9:33 AM  

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