Thursday, March 25, 2004

La musique: the entire coral fang Distillers album

If getting naked next to a man with pink nail polish on makes you uncomfortable maybe you should work out your issues before coming to the gym.

I've been up since 9am, I worked 12:30pm to 8:30 pm, then came back at 12am to work until 8. Why? Because I'm a sucker for backshift pay and for Brady's puppy dog face. This way I get my entire payday off, can sleep a bit, then have the evening to drink and run amok.
So needless to say, the entire contents of this evening's posts will be loaded with exhausted, incoherant ramblings that will hopefully entertain whoever (if anyone) still reads this.

I was actually wondering today how many friends actually stay friends for most of their lives. I mean I'm sure my Dad hasn't seen his best man (and my godfather) since I was in Grade 7 or so.
I'm not trying to alienate any of my friends here, or place blame or anything like that. This is mearly me thinking in blog form, so please don't get pissed off. I just think it's funny how a break up, a new job, change in locale, can all completely alter bonds you may have thought would last forever, and then in time it can completely come full circle.
I had friends at Queen Charlotte, then I move. Now I'm friends with some of them again. Then there's my friends from high school of which I have a few left. A break up forces me to adjust my clique a little, I survive. There's my Wal-mart friends: I see a few sometimes, we reminisce about beach parties, work, make small talk, and so on. But that part of me is so distant, so gone that I just smile and take part in the contrived pleasantries, wondering if they know the're talking to a stranger.
There's my friends that have pretty much accumulated though all this. These are the closest ones. Ones that have my best hope of lasting, other weaker ones I see dying off in the wake of new changes. I'm a very mawkish person when it comes to shit like this. I get down sometimes about friends I've made and lost. At cadet camp, in Newfoundland, in life.
I've made some great buds at Watts too. I wonder if any of these have that type of moxy, that je ne sais quoi, to go the distance, or if any other of my current ones do?
Teachers have always told me I don't do a great job of elaborating on points I've made in essays and stuff. And I feel I've cut a lot of shit short tonight. You'll just have to deal with the condensed version of my feelings. I'm too fucking tired. I doubt you wanted to read anymore anyways...


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