Sunday, February 29, 2004

La musique: i miss you/ blink 182

"When I first saw you, you were beautiful. You weren't tanned, or made up, or glamorous. You still looked incredibly feminine. You looked like you'd just finished reading under a tree. So blissfully carefree."

*She smiles, and lowers her head bashfully*

"I want to kiss your face, but shouldn't, knowing I may never get to again. Seems like doing heroin just once, or jumping out of a plane just once. Returning to the status quo is almost more painful, knowing that nothing in your nine to five, milk and cookies life will ever compare to that moment."

* She shakes her head, and moves toward me. We kiss. Heroin has nothing on her.*

I wake up. Remembering every word because I've never been more truthful in all my life.


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