Monday, March 22, 2004

La musique: the sound of me shooting myself in the fucking face.

"Lately it seems that my dreams have started to die, it occurred to me, on the inside I guess so am I."
Oh Chad Kroeger, when will the rest of the world learn that we should all be like you. I'm totally going to perm and dye my hair blonde. Work among other things is driving me crazy, they pretty much figured a way to set things up so that I get every angry french person: back to back to back to back etc.

Trivia was fun. It was a rather weak turnout, but those who were there were quite boisterous. I was really fucked too.
"____ is right, come up here for your free beer."
"Do you come with the beer?"
"No, but tell your friend to win one and we'll talk."
I also sang Meat loaf's "paradise by the dashboard light" with an unidentified cougar. Good times. Further fun was had when my two supervisors and two coaches showed up sloppy drunk. Called me and another coworker "eye candy" and came with us to Myron's. I woke up in Melissa and Janelle's hallway. Good times.


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