Thursday, May 06, 2004

La musique: that HAwksley Workman song about cigarettes- Hungry for your cigarette? Yeah I think that's it. Mostly beciuse I want a cigarette

"I'd take a shot in the mouth right now for a smoke" -Dave Younker.

So i'm at work. as I usually am when I post here. The thing is, I went to a party. Fuck I want a cigarette. So I'm at work. And I'm kinda drunk. Not sloshed, or hammered, just kinda buzzed. Ok enough to keep it together. Plus it's midnight. And I'm the only one here. So I could be on a head full of acid and no one would notice.
the phrase "Sentence fragment" is also a sentence fragment.
I met a bunch of Alberton kids. Surprizingly, they liked me. They "have my back" we're "like this" *displays crossed fingers*
"It's ok if you want to screw my cousin, she's a nice girl. You have to give it to her hard though." -Zach
His emphasis on hard was rather surprizing considering we were talking about his cousin.
I slipped and fell into a pool of someone's spilt booze. So i'd be really surpized if the old Quebecoise I relieved didn't catch a wiff of my eau de alcool.
I want that nicotine more than a million dollard right now.
JOey the covad geek is more entertaining than Barnum and Bailey's at the moment.
The issue right now seems to be internal to the network printer, and not a covad issue.
What a great day-
Sleep all day, wake up. Play Manhunt, suffocate some punks with plkastic bags. Make out. Booze it. Come to work.
I'm living the Canadian dream.
ERROR error grammar overload.
I'll be back in a bit.


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