Monday, May 03, 2004

La musique: elite- deftones

Playing Frisbee while high is fun. Chuck was my "coach"
"Don't think your parents are paying me $200 an hour to see you half ass it?! Cut out, then in!"
I do it, and catch the frisbee.,
"Good, now take a break."
"Can I do pushups on my break coach?"
I wish someone had videotaped that whole exchange.

So after much criss-krossing, we finally ended up at the party. I drank waaay to much 151 + beer + red rev. I told everyone how much I loved them, almost fell off a roof, spilt my rum and coke ALLLL over some chick wearing ONLY WHITE. I was paid to fall down the the most painful stairs ever. My legs and shoulder are bruised beyond repair, and I have a honkin' goose egg on my head.
I headed solo to the Bars looking to find Coranna, she wasn't there. But I found other friends from work. I actually went outside to fight somebody, I even offered for him to hit me first , but his tough guy in the bar act erroded away to a blubbering idiot and nothing happened.
I got a cab to Brown's Court, hung out, then passed out.
I woke up with one of the worst hangovers ever.


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