Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Sign taped to my chest reads:
(seriously do it)
(Really, right in my face)."
Uneloquently scrawled in black sharpie and tacked on with excessive amounts of packing tape, this was my mission.
But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself.

The road trip that was HPX 2003 was the greatest experience of my life.

Gabrielle told Thursday so well, and our experiences were identical. If you want Thursday go to her page, I'm skipping to Friday.
7:30 am- I wake up to men doing work outside, impossible to get back to sleep. I do finally get lulled back to sleep by (name deleted)'s snoring, only to wake up again at 10-10:30. Time to die. I'm so retardedly hungover I can't move, mostly because I'm still drunk.
After walking with Jeff Coll and Gabrielle for a bit, Me and Gabrielle go alone to the Celigh for the All ages show. Feat.- DFA, Oh god, and This message will self destruct. At the end of the show Jesse from DFA asks where the party is,

I yell: "1164 queen!" (jenna's place)
Jesse: yeah right, what kind of address is that? Sounds like 123 fake st.
Queue some explanation from the wonderful Ray Lavers.
We had rockers at our party.
We partied like rock stars.
Best party EVER.

Stay tuned for the events of Saturday, this is where the weird (me) turn pro.


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