If you were to wake up next to a dead hooker in a hotel room, with no recollection of what happened, who would you call? If you say the police you're a fucking Nancy.
I was hammered and asked this question the other night, and those who I'd call should know who they are, but is it weird that my Mom would be up there? But if any of of you are in this predicament feel free to give me a ring. I'd be on that shit like Harvey Keitel.
I don't think it's weird that you'd call your mom. It's actually kind of sweet that you would.
Yeah, I'm pretty much the only 23 year old "mama's boy" I know. See February 26, 2005 blog post if you don't believe me.
I went into the archives and read the Feb 26 post. Wow. I'm glad you think so highly of your mother. It's definitely okay to be mama's boy. How did the surgery turn out? Should I read further?
She's still on the waiting list. Apparantly she's got a shitty blood type and since she's not dying (per se) it may be a while.
Waiting lists suck. I wish her all the best and I hope you dealing okay as well. :)
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