Thursday, January 05, 2006

So given that I recieved an iPod nano for Christmas, I've taken to wearing my headphones at work a lot. This means I can listen to Throwdown at loudest possible volume without worrying if I'm going to offend the next old lady that walks in. This tactic has its pitfalls as well. It seems that when you sarcasticallly say "Close the door, fuckhead." to a customer who forgets to do so, you may think you're muttering it, when in fact you're saying it loud enough for them to hear you. Also, if you have your back to the door, it would appear that it's incredibly easy for a customer to sneak up on you and tap you on the shoulder as you're singing At the Drive In into a mop handle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh, what colour is your nano?

my guess would be either something like pink or yellow, but it's proably black, right?


3:23 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

It's white. Paying so much for a "branded" MP3 player would've lost its kitch without the trademark white headphones. It'd be like buying Nikes without a swoosh on them. Although if they did have pink ones at Future shop it would've made the decision a million times harder.

8:23 PM  

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