Sunday, January 09, 2005

La musique: Torn- Poison the Well

My task was to assemble a workbench. So like any person would, I opened the box, scattered the parts all over the floor and sat down in the middle of The Home depot's comfy cement floor. At that, the stoor manager (who is about as friendly as a stingray) walks by and sees me splayed out like a 4 year old and a bunch of lego. Clearly discusted, he looks at me, an employee sitting on the floor of his fine establishment, and says: "Are you having fun?" to which I reply: "Oh yes, very much Sir!" in some sort of Pseudo British child accent. Baffled, he looks at me for a second or two to see what I meant by that. I in turn give him a ridiculous Dwaine bird happy smile until he leaves.
That is how you stick it to the man.
Go Packers! Fuck Rob!


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